Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky | window OCR: System Beuurements To usc the LocalTaik Cabiing At least (He Apple Macintosh At leas t two Macintosh Systern, you'l neeel one of the Apple I1GS personal computer Apple personal computers, following Systets: oran MS-DOS computer with or MS-DOS computers with AppleTaik PC.Card. plus a pareus AppleTalk PCCARS svstem resource such as an Apple Laserwriter printer) Technical 1 Specificatiotis Topology Signal encoding Architecture Serial hus FMO biphasc spacc) Open Wiring Frame format Connection Shielded SDLC Synchronous Data Passive sdoip Twisted -pair Link Controlj Access method Signaling stantard Maximum number of Carricr- -scnsc multiplc -access ELA standlard 422. connex tions per nctwork with collision avoidance Iralanced voltage segment ((CSMA/CA) Signaling speed 230.4 kilobits/s second Nod ...